Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heaven is a little closer than I think..........

I've come to blogland several times with the thoughts of the last couple days on my mind but skip over them and check to see who I know who has updated their blog, and every time I check it doesn't change and neither does the writing down on my part. 
How I have enjoyed moments the last couple of days.  Getting some time with my grown up twins and listening to them converse, play, and form their wonderings into questions.  Yesterday, I placed them right up on top of my portable dishwasher and let them be right there as I was doing some dishes.  How much fun it was to live in that moment.  Listening to the banter of the two of them together and then with me.  My heart was full. 
Then today, I decided to mow the lawn.  How I LOVE the look of fresh cut grass and this time of year when my flower beds (the one in my backyard) makes me feel how beautiful the world really can be.  While mowing the lawn the twins played together, laughing, and not hurting each other for once with sticks but chose a piece of my ornamental grass to use as a harmless sword instead.  They helped me water flower beds, and load up some old bikes to give to DI and then we played with their Toy Story potato heads.  It was a good day!

Hearing my sister say the other day that she was missing our grandparents made me think that maybe they are helping me with patience, helping me organize my day better so that I can catch those simple moments that matter the most.  Sometimes we only think of those we love when we are saved from an instance that involves danger.  During those times my  mom will say "Her guardian angel has alot of bumps and bruises".  But maybe in a day like today it is them helping me get in those moments that they would love to be doing with us here, Seeing what really matters most.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I agree completely! Enjoy the tender moments because these cute kids are growing up fast! I love your family pics!