Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We LOVE ............

Watermelon.....and eating dinner in our backyard.
A funny thing that happened on our street this summer. So.....There was a yeard sale advertised in the post office and Vince (the guy who works with my dad) loves yard sales and DI. My kids were talking to him about our neighbors to the left of us having a YARD Sale. He said to them in response that He had seen it posted in the post office but figured if they couldn't spell it right he didn't see the point in going. OH Well, this wasn't our Neighbors who had the YEARD sale because the address posted was different. We went out trying to figure out who else on our street was selling their stuff. We found it......another sign in front of the yard advertising a YEARD SEAL. We've gotten a kick out this and have laughed on several occasions.

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