Friday, July 15, 2011

I wanted to smile ;)

{Burton has had a Loose tooth forever (so he says) I believed him when I noticed blood at the base before he realized it. He knew he could be brave and I knew I couldn't stand making the tooth cracking sound so we took him to Grandpa Anthony's. Larry Kohler offered to pull it out and give him ten dollars but Burton was hesitant. He did think it would be cool if the tooth fairy gave him $50 bucks so he could buy some golf clubs. (We are looking for some ;)) We slipped the tooth in a cute little container, then I let Mack hold it so ..... we had to write the tooth fairy a note instead.}

{Mack Makin' his hair.... Love his feet and the Alvin and the chipmunks do he insists on !}

{My silly little swimmer.... I not only have 1 but 4. Cooper is into BACK flips ... I threatened him with his life to listen to his swimming teachers and not teach them. He said, " oh yeah, well can they do flips!" Yes... they are the teachers. So far one week down and only one time out for Cooper on the side of the pool. }

They make me want to smile..... silly little people I LOVE!

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