Sunday, June 3, 2012

{eNd oF tHe yeAr cEleBraTioNs!

A Few of the things that kept us CRAZy busy the month of May.  Awards Assembly where Liberty was given the Principal's Award  and Burton excelled and received the Presidential Physical Fitness Award.   
Burton LOVED 1st Grade:
Learning to read made the top of his list.....Reading to the 150 book club for his class.
I Loved that his teacher invited me into the classroom once a week to read with the kids.  A little frustrating at times BUT seeing the change in my own child was worth it.  The added bonus was seeing the improvement in reading the TOUGH words in the scriptures. 

Liberty LOVED 3rd Grade:
Having a LOCKER topped her list.  Moving up to larger chapter books and becoming more interested in books were also a highlight.  She loved Mrs. Kaye Jolley who helped in her classroom.

Since I didn't get to be apart of Liberty's classroom very much I chose to go to her field day to help with the running/standing LONG Jump. 
Camber and I created ANGRY birds themed doors for Teacher Appreciation Days.
AND.... I accompanied another group of Bouncing of the walls preschool children to KINDERGARTEN to take a peek at the they are about to have there.

1 comment:

The Lane Family said...

So FUN...what an AMAZING group of celebrations and you do so much to make things great for all the kids and the teachers!!